Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Quote of the Day

"That book sucks"

- Paul McIlwraith, Lead Pastor, WMB, when he saw me reading The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard in Starbucks. The funny thing is that I didn't realize for a second that he was joking. I thought I was going to have to change churches. :) It would have been even funnier if I had been reading the Bible.

Next time I see someone reading the Bible, I'm going to say: "that book sucks."

Uh-oh...too sacrilegious?


Tyler said...

He was probably serious. At least, it would have been funnier that way.

Unknown said...

haha! It would only be sacriligious if you said it about C.S. Lewis :)

Anonymous said...

I would say it's sacrilicious.

Jan said...

Dude, it's time to start posting on your blog...

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